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- Active involvement in planning and preparing...

Praca w fabryce baterii Mercedesa - dziesiątki ofert czekają [LISTA TOP 10]

Production Director (Batteries)

Description - Active involvement in planning and preparing the line. - The creation of a core team in cooperation with other departments within the area of responsibility. - Creation and execution of training, as well as management and technical support. - Ensure a smooth, timely and economical production process taking into account quality, program fulfillment and compliance with costs (budget responsibility). - Output planning and design of the work processes in the area of the Mercedes-Benz Production System (MPS). - Develop and implement the proposal for cost-cutting measures. - Develop and apply the shopfloor management method for managing the area of responsibility. Perception of management tasks according to the guiding principles for the management and cooperation of Daimler AG. - Active control of the area within the framework of shopfloor managament. Qualifications - Completed studying one of the following or a similar subject: machine engineering, manufacturing engineering, engineering economics. Several years of production experience as a manager. - Fluent English or German. - Experience in launching manufacturing/assembly lines. High level of social and methodological competencies. - Willingness to work in intercultural environment. Experience in greenfield is not required but ‘nice-to-have’. - Proactive nature, highly motivated, able to work flexibly, quickly and accurately to tight deadlines. ŻEBY APLIKOWAĆ KLIKNIJ TUTAJ

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