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 - Direct leadership of blue collar subordinates...
fot. Piotr Krzyżanowski

Mercedes Jawor - praca czeka na chętnych [OFERTY]

Supervisor for Engine Hot Test & Audit

Description - Direct leadership of blue collar subordinates for Hot Test and Audit. - Fulfillment of given targets and ensuring of quality standards. - Motivation and promotion of dedicated subordinates in adherence to schedules, degree of capacity utilization, reaction time. - Ensuring of Information flow, and utilization of shop floor management. - Creation and Implementation of new concepts and processes for Hot Test and Audit methods. - Reporting to Manager for Hot Test and Audit. - Compliance of guidelines and other regulations and standards (e.g. safety, healthy etc.) - Represent the own area to other internal and external customers. - Exchange experience with other Hottest and Audit departments across locations within Daimler AG. - Planning and controlling of budget, personnel costs and expenses. Qualifications - Education: Vocational training in technique with more than 3 year experience in quality sector on leadership function as foreman. - Special Experience: Closed training as DGQ-Auditor is beneficial. Knowledge in production processes of engine parts and engine assembly. Experience in execution of Engine Hot Test and engine audits with assessment of relevant engine parts and components. Experience in international collaboration and cooperation. Skills in MS-Office, QS-Stat and QDA. Skills in Quality- and ISO standards. - Good language skills in Polish, English and wherever applicable in German. Więcej ofert i możliwość aplikowania - MERCEDES JAWOR PRACA

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